- get(String) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.TaskProvider
- getAction() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ActionItem
- getAllowedFailures() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.ConsentQuizModel
- getAttempt() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.step.ConsentQuizEvaluationStep
- getAutoLockTime() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.AppPrefs
If auto lock is disabled, default the time to a year.
- getBirthDate() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.User
- getClazz() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ActionItem
- getConsentFormFileFromExternalStorage(Context) - Static method in class org.researchstack.skin.utils.ConsentFormUtils
- getConsentHtml() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ResourceManager
Returns a ResourcePathManager.Resource
representing an
HTML version of the Consent file.
- getConsentPDF() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ResourceManager
This is currently unused but will be when share-pdf feature is implemented
- getConsentSections() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ResourceManager
The consent section differs from ResearchKitâ„¢ as ResearchStack includes extra
documentProperties along with support for quiz steps
- getContentResourceId() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ui.layout.ConsentQuizEvaluationStepLayout
- getContentText(Context) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.notification.NotificationConfig
Returns text for notification body
- getContentText(Context) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.notification.SimpleNotificationConfig
- getContentTitle(Context) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.notification.NotificationConfig
Returns text for notification title
- getContentTitle(Context) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.notification.SimpleNotificationConfig
- getCorrectIcon() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.ConsentQuizModel
- getCount() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ui.adapter.MainPagerAdapter
- getCount() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ui.adapter.OnboardingPagerAdapter
- getDetails() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.SectionModel.SectionRow
- getDetails() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.StudyOverviewModel.Question
- getDocumentProperties() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.ConsentSectionModel
- getEligibleStep() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.OnboardingTask
- getEmail() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.User
- getEncryptionProvider(Context) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ResearchStack
- getExpectedAnswer() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.ConsentQuizModel.QuizQuestion
- getFailureMessage() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.ConsentQuizModel
- getFailureTitle() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.ConsentQuizModel
- getGroupId() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ActionItem
- getIcon() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ActionItem
- getIcon() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.PermissionRequestManager.PermissionRequest
- getIconImage() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.SectionModel.SectionRow
- getIconImage() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.StudyOverviewModel.Question
- getId() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ActionItem
- getId() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.PermissionRequestManager.PermissionRequest
Returns the id of the permission.
- getIdentifier() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.ConsentQuizModel.QuizQuestion
- getInclusionCriteriaStep(Context) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.UiManager
Includsion Criteria Step is one of the first Steps the user will come in contact with.
- getIncorrect() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.step.ConsentQuizEvaluationStep
- getIncorrectIcon() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.ConsentQuizModel
- getIneligibleStep() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.OnboardingTask
- getInstance(Context) - Static method in class org.researchstack.skin.AppPrefs
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.researchstack.skin.DataProvider
Returns the singleton instance of this class.
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.researchstack.skin.notification.NotificationConfig
Returns the singleton instance of this class.
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.researchstack.skin.PermissionRequestManager
Returns a singleton static instance of the this class
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.researchstack.skin.ResearchStack
Returns the singleton instance of this class.
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.researchstack.skin.ResourceManager
Returns a singleton static instance of the ResourceManager class
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.researchstack.skin.TaskProvider
Returns a singleton static instance of the this class
- getInstance() - Static method in class org.researchstack.skin.UiManager
Returns a singleton static instance of the this class
- getItem(int) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ui.adapter.MainPagerAdapter
- getItemCount() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ui.fragment.ActivitiesFragment.TaskAdapter
- getItemCount() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ui.fragment.LearnFragment.LearnAdapter
- getItemOffsets(Rect, View, RecyclerView, RecyclerView.State) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ui.views.DividerItemDecoration
- getItems() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.SectionModel.Section
- getItemViewType(int) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ui.fragment.LearnFragment.LearnAdapter
- getLargeIconBackgroundColor(Context) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.notification.NotificationConfig
Returns the color that the large notification icon should be
- getLargeIconBackgroundColor(Context) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.notification.SimpleNotificationConfig
- getLayout() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ui.layout.ConsentQuizEvaluationStepLayout
- getLayout() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ui.layout.ConsentQuizQuestionStepLayout
- getLayout() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ui.layout.PermissionStepLayout
- getLayout() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ui.layout.SignInStepLayout
- getLayout() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ui.layout.SignUpEligibleStepLayout
- getLayout() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ui.layout.SignUpIneligibleStepLayout
- getLayout() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ui.layout.SignUpPinCodeCreationStepLayout
- getLayout() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ui.layout.SignUpStepLayout
- getLearnSections() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ResourceManager
Returns a ResourcePathManager.Resource
representing a
learn-sections file
- getLogoName() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.StudyOverviewModel
- getMainActionBarItems() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.UiManager
All ActionItems returned by this method should define a title, icon, and class.
- getMainTabBarItems() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.UiManager
All ActionItems returned by this method should define a title, icon, and class.
- getMessage() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.DataResponse
- getName() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.User
- getNegativeFeedback() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.ConsentQuizModel.QuizQuestion
- getOrder() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ActionItem
- getPageTitle(int) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ui.adapter.OnboardingPagerAdapter
- getPassCodeCreationStep() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.OnboardingTask
- getPermissionRequests() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.PermissionRequestManager
Returns a list of permission requests
- getPermissionStep() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.OnboardingTask
- getPinCodeConfig(Context) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ResearchStack
- getPositiveFeedback() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.ConsentQuizModel.QuizQuestion
- getPrivacyPolicy() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ResourceManager
Returns a ResourcePathManager.Resource
representing the
privacy policy
- getProgressOfCurrentStep(Step, TaskResult) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.OnboardingTask
- getProgressOfCurrentStep(Step, TaskResult) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.SignInTask
- getProgressOfCurrentStep(Step, TaskResult) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.SignUpTask
- getProgressOfCurrentStep(Step, TaskResult) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.SmartSurveyTask
- getPrompt() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.ConsentQuizModel.QuizQuestion
- getPublishSubject() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ui.fragment.ActivitiesFragment.TaskAdapter
- getQuestion() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.step.ConsentQuizQuestionStep
- getQuestions() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.ConsentQuizModel
- getQuestions() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.StudyOverviewModel
- getQuiz() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.ConsentSectionModel
- getQuizModel() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.step.ConsentQuizEvaluationStep
- getSections() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.ConsentSectionModel
- getSections() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.SectionModel
- getShowConsent() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.StudyOverviewModel.Question
- getSignInStep() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.OnboardingTask
- getSignUpStep() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.OnboardingTask
- getSmallIcon() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.notification.NotificationConfig
Returns the drawable resource for the notification icon
- getSmallIcon() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.notification.SimpleNotificationConfig
- getSoftwareNotices() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ResourceManager
Returns a ResourcePathManager.Resource
representing the
software notices
- getStateOrdinal() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.step.PassCodeCreationStep
- getStepAfterStep(Step, TaskResult) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.ConsentTask
- getStepAfterStep(Step, TaskResult) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.SignInTask
- getStepAfterStep(Step, TaskResult) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.SignUpTask
- getStepAfterStep(Step, TaskResult) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.SmartSurveyTask
Returns the next step in the task based on current answers, or null if at the end.
- getStepBeforeStep(Step, TaskResult) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.SignInTask
- getStepBeforeStep(Step, TaskResult) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.SignUpTask
- getStepBeforeStep(Step, TaskResult) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.SmartSurveyTask
Returns the step that should be before the current step based on current results.
- getStepLayoutClass() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.step.ConsentQuizEvaluationStep
- getStepLayoutClass() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.step.ConsentQuizQuestionStep
- getStepLayoutClass() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.step.PassCodeCreationStep
- getStepTitle() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.step.ConsentQuizEvaluationStep
- getStepTitle() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.step.ConsentQuizQuestionStep
- getStepWithIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.OnboardingTask
- getStepWithIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.SmartSurveyTask
- getStudyOverview() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ResourceManager
Returns a ResourcePathManager.Resource
representing the
StudyOverview file.
- getSuccessMessage() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.ConsentQuizModel
- getSuccessTitle() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.ConsentQuizModel
- getTask(String) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ResourceManager
Returns a ResourcePathManager.Resource
representing a
individual task file
- getTaskNotificationReceiver() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.UiManager
Returns the BroadCastReceiver class responsible for consuming alarms for triggering
- getTasksAndSchedules() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ResourceManager
Returns a ResourcePathManager.Resource
representing the
tasks and schedules file
- getText() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.ConsentQuizModel.QuizQuestion
- getText() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.PermissionRequestManager.PermissionRequest
- getTextChoices() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.ConsentQuizModel.QuizQuestion
- getThankyouStep() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.OnboardingTask
- getTickerText(Context) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.notification.NotificationConfig
Return ticker text for notification
- getTickerText(Context) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.notification.SimpleNotificationConfig
- getTintColor() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.SectionModel.SectionRow
- getTintColor() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.StudyOverviewModel.Question
- getTitle() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ActionItem
- getTitle() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.SectionModel.Section
- getTitle() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.SectionModel.SectionRow
- getTitle() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.StudyOverviewModel.Question
- getTitle() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.PermissionRequestManager.PermissionRequest
- getTitle() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.step.ConsentQuizQuestionStep
- getTitleForStep(Context, Step) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.task.SmartSurveyTask
Returns the current progress String for use in the action bar
- getType() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.ConsentQuizModel.QuizQuestion
- getUser(Context) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.DataProvider
Returns the user object that contains any sort of information.
- getUserEmail(Context) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.DataProvider
Returns the email that the user used to sign in / up
- getUserSharingScope(Context) - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.DataProvider
Gets the current sharing scope of the user.
- getVersionString() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.ui.fragment.SettingsFragment
- getVideoName() - Method in class org.researchstack.skin.model.StudyOverviewModel.Question
- guid - Variable in class org.researchstack.skin.model.TaskModel
- guid - Variable in class org.researchstack.skin.model.TaskModel.StepModel